Aspiration of septic emboli: Endocarditis related infarction
Session comprising selected GulfPCR-GIM 2015 (16-17 December) clinical case submissions, for example: in bifurcation – simple is not always possible; emergent primary PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Interventionin) a case of stable angina; stress-induced very late acute multivessel multistent thrombosis presented as STEMI with cardiac arrest and cardiogenic shock.
Discussants: H. Amin, M. Abdelzaher, M. N. Afmed, M. Rustom, A. Youssef, I. Tsiafoutis, M. Balghith, S. Pisharody and A. Cremonesi.
Το υλικό του συνεδρίου αφορά σε ιατρούς.
Πηγή περιεχομένου: PCR Online